Course curriculum

  • 1

    Course Introduction

  • 2

    Chapter 1 | Getting Familiar with the Blockchain

  • 3

    Chapter 2 | Smart Contracts

    • What are Smart Contracts?

    • Smart Contracts Use and Execution

    • Tokenization and Wrapped Tokens

    • Chapter 2 Quiz

  • 4

    Chapter 3 | NFTs

    • What are NFTs?

    • Current Limitations of NFTs

    • AssetMantle Solutions

    • Chapter 3 Quiz

  • 5

    Chapter 4 | DeFi

    • What is DeFi?

    • Decentralized Exchanges

    • Lending Protocols

    • Liquidity Pools

    • Stablecoins

    • Osmosis

    • Chapter 4 Quiz

  • 6

    Chapter 5 | Metaverse

    • What is the Metaverse?

    • Current Limitations of the Metaverse

    • AssetMantle Solutions

    • Chapter 5 Quiz

  • 7

    Chapter 6 | The Cosmos SDK

    • What is the Cosmos SDK?

    • Tendermint Consensus

    • Chapter 6 Quiz

  • 8

    Chapter 7 | Inter-Blockchain Communication (IBC)

    • What is IBC?

    • What are the Benefits of IBC?

    • Importance of Interoperability

    • Chapter 7 Quiz

  • 9

    Chapter 8 | Interchain dApps

    • What are Interchain dApps?

    • Examples of Interchain dApps

    • Chapter 8 Quiz

  • 10

    Chapter 9 | interNFT Standard

    • What is the interNFT Standard?

    • interNFT Working Group

    • Chapter 9 Quiz

  • 11

    Chapter 10 | AssetMantle Ecosystem

    • Mission

    • Overview

    • Architecture

    • Validators

    • Consensus Mechanism

    • Chapter 10 Quiz

  • 12

    Chapter 11 | MNTL Tokenomics

    • MNTL Utility

    • Governance

    • Chain Security

    • NFT Transactions

    • Initial Distribution

    • Inflation and Release Schedule

    • Staking

    • Chapter 11 Quiz

  • 13

    Chapter 12 | AssetMantle Team

    • Members and Officials of the Team

    • Chapter 12 Quiz

  • 14

    Chapter 13 | AssetMantle Community

    • About the AssetMantle Community

    • Chapter 13 Quiz

  • 15

    Chapter 14 | AssetMantle Artists

    • Current Artists and Collections

    • Chapter 14 Quiz

  • 16

    Chapter 15 | MantlePlace

    • About MantlePlace

    • Sign-Up for MantlePlace

    • Benefits and Features

    • Chapter 15 Quiz

  • 17

    Chapter 16 | MantleBuilder

    • About MantleBuilder

    • Benefits and Features

    • Chapter 16 Quiz

  • 18

    Chapter 17 | MantleWallet

    • About MantleWallet

    • Creating a MantleWallet

    • Chapter 17 Quiz

  • 19

    Chapter 18 | MantleExplorer

    • About MantleExplorer

    • Chapter 18 Quiz

  • 20

    Chapter 19 | MantleLabs

    • About MantleLabs

    • Grants Program

    • Chapter 19 Quiz

  • 21

    Chapter 20 | DEX for instant NFT trading

    • NFT Protocol Collection

    • Chapter 20 Quiz

  • 22

    Chapter 21 | Acquiring MNTL

    • Centralized and Decentralized Exchanges

    • Airdrops, Learn and Earns

    • ATOM and Fiat On-Ramps

    • Chapter 21 Quiz

  • 23

    Chapter 22 | Safely Storing MNTL

    • Keplr Wallet

    • Hardware and Supporting Wallets

    • Chapter 22 Quiz

  • 24

    Chapter 23 | How to Stake your MNTL

    • Step by Step Guide to Staking AssetMantle (MNTL)

    • Chapter 23 Quiz

  • 25

    Chapter 24 | DeFi for MNTL on Osmosis

    • Depositing Assets to Osmosis

    • Swapping MNTL on Osmosis

    • MNTL Liquidity on Osmosis

    • Chapter 24 Quiz

  • 26

    Final Assessment

    • Congrats! Here's What's Next...